The Hillbilly Bears “Do the Bear” Layout Drawing (1966) - ID: may22608

The Hillbilly Bears “Do the Bear” Layout Drawing (1966) - ID: may22608 Hanna Barbera


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Price: $125.00
SKU: may22608

A layout drawing from the Hanna Barbera Studios animated series The Hillbilly Bears (1965-1967). Featuring Claude strumming the guitar just before Paw hits him over the head with it, the graphite drawing was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The piece was used in the production of the sixth episode of season two, titled “Do the Bear” (1966). This was the final episode in the series. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" overall with the character image measuring 4.5"x4.5", the drawing is in fine condition.

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